How to Harmonize a Melody
  "How to Harmonize a Melody"
Written by Gary Ewer
© 2007 Pantomime Music Publications
PRICE: $11.95 USD
or get the entire songwriter's 6 e-book bundle for ONLY $37

This e-book is a companion to Gary Ewer's other songwriting e-books, "The Essential Secrets of Songwriting", "Essential Chord Progressions", "More Essential Chord Progressions" and "The Essential Secrets of Songwriting - LESSONS." It answers the questions you've always had about how to add chord progressions to your song melodies.

Muddle Muddle Muddle!

  • Do your songs suffer from chord muddle?
  • Do you find that your chord progressions seem confusing, or just plain boring?
  • Do you find that the world of harmonization is a world of frustration?

Let this e-book show you how to set your song melodies to chord changes that work.

If you find yourself banging out the same three chords over and over again, trying to harmonize a song melody, this e-book is going to help you. Most people stay in the safe zone of those three chords, afraid to venture further afield simply because they don't understand how chords work.

"How to Harmonize a Melody" starts by showing you what a good melody is, and then shows you how to harmonize it. It deals with vital areas such as chord structure, harmonic rhythm, root movement, and more. And it gives you some suggested activities to practice what you're learning.