New Release: Chord Progression Formulas
NEW   RELEASE: "The Essential Secrets of Songwriting CHORD PROGRESSION FORMULAS"
Published by Pantomime Music Publications

$9.95 USD

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Chord Progression Formulas shows a few basic formulas that are capable of helping you create dozens of chord progressions. Here's a couple of excerpts:

For many songwriters, chord progressions are a mysterious wandering of one chord to another, without knowing what could or should happen next.

As you probably know, I offer two chord progression e-books and a manual that contain many pages of suggested progressions. These are progressions you can use as is, or modify to suit your needs. But the problem is that many musicians simply don’t know how to modify a progression.

By the time they’re done, the progression just doesn’t make sense, and it doesn’t work.

You may not know it, but nothing destroys a song quicker than a chord progression that doesn’t work. Nothing in the songwriting business makes you look like an amateur faster than a bad progression. Creating a good progression is not a magical process. How one chord moves smoothly to another is actually the result of hundreds of years of evolution. It may shock you to know that the way chords worked for composers like J. S. Bach and Mozart is pretty much the same way that chords work for the Beatles, Cold Play, and Beyoncé. Nothing much has changed except style...

There’s nothing much new that you can create when it comes to chord progressions. So if you’re looking for that new “killer progression” that will set your song apart, stop looking. You’re wasting time. Every progression that can be thought of has been done. As a songwriter, you need either or both of the following:

1. Good progressions that work, so that you can start writing melodies that fit them.
2. Good progressions that fit the melody you’ve already written.

So what you need, in short, are chord progression formulas, and that is what these chord progression formulas are going to give you.