Lennon, Cetera, and the Art of the 3-Part (ABA) Song

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Peter CeteraThree part ABA songs are ones that usually have no chorus. They normally consist of one long “verse” that presents a main melody, a contrasting melody, and a return to the first main tune. There are two perfect models for this kind of structure: Lennon & McCartney’s “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)” (1965), and Peter Cetera’s “If You Leave Me Now” (1976). Both songs embellish the form, extending it for mileage’s sake. Because neither song uses a chorus, it reverses the fragile-to-strong progression that we normally see in verse-chorus structures. Let’s take a look at how that works.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we know that in songs that use a chorus, it’s normal to allow the verse to explore a bit, to allow the possibility of some ambiguity in the harmonic structure. Verse chords will take a journey, as the singer recounts a story or situation. By the time we get to the chorus, harmonies become much more predictable, and usually use a smaller chord set.

In 3-part songs that use an ABA format, we get a bit of a reversal of that: the first part of the verse gives us a melody and progression that fairly strongly and unambiguously point to one chord as the tonic chord. The harmonic journey typically takes place in the “B” section, after which we get a return to the A-melody.

The only problem with pop songs and the ABA format is that, followed strictly, you wind up with a fairly short song. In both “Norwegian Wood” and “If You Leave Me Now”, the format is extended through repetition.

Both Lennon and Cetera come up with the same solution:


In Lennon’s case, he inserts the song’s intro after the ABA format is complete, and then repeats B, returning to A.

In Cetera’s case, the return to A in the middle of the form is an instrumental. This solution is perfect for “If You Leave Me Now”, as the song is longer: it works well to drop the voice out, bringing it back for the final repeat of BA.

Harmonically, each song’s A section is simple and clear, and makes no attempt to venture away harmonically, or to add altered chords (with the exception of a secondary dominant chord in Cetera’s case).

Complexity happens in the B section. With “Norwegian Wood”, the harmonic direction is ambiguous. The abrupt change to Em (from the original key of E major), could be interpreted as a change of key to either E Dorian or D major, before returning to E major for the return of the A section.

With “If You Leave Me Now”, the B section (again abruptly) moves toward E as a tonic (from the original key of B major). And in the case of both songs, the B section uses a larger chord set.

So the main lesson to learn here regarding harmonic structure of 3-part songs that use no chorus is to start strong, then allow for harmonic development before returning to strength with a return to the original theme.

Here are some variations on the ABA format you may want to try in your songwriting:

  • A-B-Bridge-B-A
  • A-Bridge-B-A
  • A-B-Bridge-ABA

In each case, the bridge can be an extension of the section that came before it, or as simply a way to provide variation before repetition of the main thematic material.


Written by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website.
Follow Gary on Twitter 

“The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle“The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle will show you how to write great songs, harmonize your melodies, and give you hundreds of chord progressions in the process.

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  1. I would argue (in the case of Norwegian Wood), that the sitar solo after the first ABA is actually another A followed by the BA, thus making the song ABA ABA. The only difference is that the sitar replaces the lyrics in that iteration of the A section.

    Only one opinion!

  2. A-ha! I have a song like this; in this form!

    It remains uncompleted (still working on the lyrics and structure). Now I know where to go with it.

    Thanks, Gary!

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