7 Ideas That Will Cure Chronic Songwriter’s Block

If you’re struggling with songwriter’s block, it’s important to do whatever gets you feeling positive about music in general.

Songwriter - guitaristMost people have had mild writer’s block — a day or two of frustration. And most have dealt with a longer bout of moderate writer’s block, when the few days stretches into a week or two.

If you’re having a particularly tough time with it, a moderate block can turn into a severe block, where you can question whether or not you were ever suited to songwriting.


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The time to get serious about solving writer’s block is when it moves from being mild to being moderate. That’s when you want to take charge of the situation and do something to get the creative processes working again.

Here are some ideas you can try. Not all of them will work for you, because it depends on what the underlying causes are. But just in case you’re looking for anything you can try, here are some thoughts:

  1. Talk to others. Getting the topic out there and in discussion is a great way to diminish anxiety. Other songwriters can have ideas that will help you, and there’s something comforting and calming about knowing that other songwriters deal with creative blocks.
  2. Set smaller songwriting goals. You don’t have to write an entire song in one or two sittings. Set a smaller goal for your daily work. For example, instead of thinking that you have to write a song today, perhaps today’s task will be to write the bridge, or fix one line of lyric, or create a good pre-chorus. Small tasks make it more likely you’ll have success, and each success generates a stronger feeling of creativity.
  3. Find another songwriter to collaborate with. This is a longer-term solution, and can give you great satisfaction as a songwriter if done properly. If you have friends or acquaintances that write music, propose that you write one song together. If you like the process and the results, you might want to build that relationship. Songwriting partnerships keep the music flowing especially if your partner has strengths where you have weaknesses, and vice versa.
  4. Listen to music with a critical ear. It amazes me how few songwriters do this as a normal creative exercise. It’s extremely beneficial. Listen to good music, and analyze it. Figure out what you like about it, and what you can take away from it. Figure out what you don’t like about it, and what you’d do differently. Listening is a vital skill for good writers.
  5. Do something in other creative arts. Try painting, dancing, poetry, writing short stories… anything that gets you thinking creatively in an entirely different way. It really helps.
  6. Become a teacher of music. One of the best ways to make sense of your own creative process is to teach it to others. Helping others by giving lessons in songwriting, guitar, piano, or any other skill you have is another creative outlet, and will ultimately have benefits for you.
  7. Perform your songs more often. When you are stuck as a writer, turn your attention to performing. The positive vibe you get from being a performer can translate into positive feelings that will benefit your songwriting.


Gary Ewer

Written by Gary Ewer. Follow on Twitter“The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages look at songwriting from every angle, and have been used by thousands of songwriters. How to use chords, write melodies, and craft winning lyrics. Buy today and GET A DISCOUNT!

Gary is also the author of “Beating Songwriter’s Block: Jump-Start Your Words and Music“, published by Backbeat Books.

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