Emotional audience

Happy New Year, 2024!

As 2023 comes to a close, I want to take the opportunity to wish you all happiness and success for 2024.

As you’ve noticed if you’ve been a regular reader of my blog, I haven’t written many articles in the last couple of months. That’s been mainly due to the fact that one of the other hats I wear is that of a piano tuner and technician, and the amount of work that’s come my way since October has kept me incredibly busy.

But the early part of the year is typically a down-time for piano work, so I’m happy to be able to get back to writing songwriting articles on a more regular basis. And as always, I hope that those articles will help you develop and grow as songwriters.

As I get back to writing more, please feel free to reach out directly (gary @ pantomimemusic [dot] com) if you have a songwriting issue that you’d like for me to consider for a future article.

I sincerely hope that 2024 is a year in which you see your hopes and dreams realized!


Gary EwerWritten by Gary Ewer. Follow Gary on Twitter.  Hooks & Riffs“Hooks and Riffs: How They Grab Attention, Make Songs Memorable, and Build Your Fan Base” shows you how a good hook can make the difference between songwriting success and failure. With great examples from pop music history.Use Your Words! Developing a Lyrics-First Songwriting ProcessThousands of songwriters are using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” to polish their songwriting technique. Discover the secrets to writing great melodies, lyrics, chords, and more. And get a FREE copy of “Use Your Words! Developing a Lyrics-First Songwriting Process.

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  1. Hi Gary,
    I always look forward to your articles. I wish you and your’s a wonderful new year for 2024. Life is indeed busy and filled with activity necessary to sustain us, especially with a young family. Thank you for all your posts over the years, they have been very helpful and encouraging in becoming better at being a songwriter and enjoying the activity of songwriting.

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