Using Chord Substitutions to Pull Song Sections Together

A couple of posts ago I wrote about using palindromic chord progressions (ones that read the same in both directions) as a possible way of making a connection between verse and chorus. Here’s another thought: if you find that your verse and chorus are using the same, or almost the same, progressions, try taking the […]

Limiting The Number of Ideas Within a Song

If you were to give a speech, you’d first establish what you should be talking about, limiting yourself to a small number of related ideas. You’d then present those ideas to an audience. Once you’ve presented the ideas in general terms, you’d develop and expand on them in (hopefully) interesting ways. You’d likely then finish […]

Creating and Using Palindromic Chord Progressions

Chord progressions are like clothes, in the sense that you usually want your shirt to coordinate with your trousers, and you similarly want your verse progressions to work with your chorus ones. One way we coordinate progressions is to use many of the same chords, but usually in a different order in the various sections […]

Ditching a Songwriting Formula and Feeling Good About It

If you find yourself ever using the phrase, “my favourite formula,” while describing your songwriting process, you might be actually identifying a problem that keeps you from building a solid audience base. A formula is a method or procedure for how a song typically comes into being. If you’ve used one method a lot more […]

Songwriting: Working From the Title

There are numerous ways to write songs, and there is certainly no one correct way. Many songwriters like to start with a chord progression because it can inspire melodic shapes and general mood. Starting with a melody, or at least with a melodic fragment, will help to ensure that melody plays an important part in […]

Creating Pop Chord Progressions From Classical Music

Fix Your Songwriting Technique Now! Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle ____________________ Over on the Twitter Songwriting Community website (Ravenous Raven), they’ve posted an article I’ve written, and I hope you take a moment to visit their site and read it. It concerns chord progressions, and researches the notion that the way […]