How to Generate Lyrical Excitement in Your Song's Bridge

In common usage, a bridge is the section of a song that usually comes after the second chorus: Verse 1 – Chorus – Verse 2 – Chorus – BRIDGE – Chorus – Chorus… You’ll sometimes see this section termed the “middle 8”, but the concept is the same: you’re looking for a way to provide […]

The Inspiring Impact of the Rising Bass Line

Lately I’ve been examining the effect that chord choice, tempo and melodic shape can have on lyrical meaning and mood. There’s another song attribute that can affect mood: the direction of the bass line. In particular, I want to look at the power of the rising bass line, because it can give your songs a […]

The Psychedelic Charm of Beach House

Sounding as though at any minute they’re going to break into a cover of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” the music of Beach House is at once hypnotic, delightful, and utterly spellbinding. They’re the quintessential dream pop band, often using traditional harmonic structures that suddenly take a left turn, with warping accompaniments and drawn-out […]

How to Write Songs When the Inspiration is Missing

People who don’t write songs, or don’t involve themselves in the arts of any kind, might be forgiven for believing that inspiration is one of the biggest aspects of the songwriting process. It must seem, to those who don’t do it, that songwriting starts with an immense rush of ideas, followed by a flurry of […]

Determining the Strength of a Chord Progression

Chord progressions can be tonally strong or ambiguous. I like to call the ambiguous ones “fragile” for a reason that I’ll describe a little further on. But to illustrate the concept of strong versus fragile, let me use an analogy. Imagine you are looking at a map of your city. You place a dot on your house, […]

What Is It That Keeps a Listener Listening?

When it comes to songwriting, it’s possible to do everything “right” and yet fail to entice anyone to keep listening. Sadly, that’s quite common. For me, when I’m sent an MP3 by someone to assess, I ask myself a critical question: if I turned this recording off right now, would I care? And when I’m […]