Make an Ordinary Chord Progression Sound Extraordinary with an Inverted Pedal Point

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-Book Bundle, and discover how your good songs can be great. ____________ Chord progressions don’t need to be complicated animals. In fact, the more complicated it is, the more problems it can cause for a song. Progressions that are too complicated are either too long, or throw in chords […]

How to Make Writer's Block a Thing of the Past

Any working songwriter will tell you that writer’s block is one oftheir fiercest enemies, something they must constantly work against to keep at bay. A bad dose of writer’s block can completely sap the fun and enjoyment out of songwriting, and make you feel like a rank amateur. Writer’s block is, in short, the inability to summon the […]

Time to Throw out Your Songwriting Formula?

A  songwriting formula is a process. It’s the way you write, the procedure you follow for creating a new song. And it can be, over the long term, your worst enemy. Here’s why. The very term “formula” implies that it’s a method, or set of steps, that’s been done many times before. The good thing about that is […]

Let Chord Progressions Set Up Your Song's Groove

It’s pretty obvious that the most important concern regarding chord progressions is to have one chord move smoothly to the next. There’s nothing worse than chords that just don’t feel right. A bad set of changes can actually kill an otherwise pretty good song. But that’s not the only job of a good progression. It’s important […]

Songwriting Principle No. 11: A Good Hook Won't Save a Bad Song

Why do so many songwriters swear by the power of the hook? It’s because the hook, by definition, can reel in a listener, and keep them humming your song all day long, for days, weeks and even years to come You can’t ignore the power of a well-placed, well-composed hook to drive your song into […]