Goal-Oriented Songwriting: Chord Progressions

You can strengthen chord progressions by defining a goal and then working backwards. ___________ Buy “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle, and get back to songwriting excellence. ___________ Yesterday, we looked at how to work backwards with lyrics. We saw that getting the chorus lyrics working first made it easier to work out verse ideas. […]

How and Why Goal-Oriented Songwriting Works: Lyrics

How working backwards in the creation of lyrics helps to intensify anticipation. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle (plus a FREE copy of “Creative Chord Progressions”) is written by Gary Ewer, designed to straighten out your technique and get you writing better songs.   Goal-oriented songwriting means doing a lot of working backwards as you compose. By writing […]

Getting a Grip on Song Melodies

If you’ve learned one thing as a songwriter, it’s that song melodies change as a song progresses. What often passes as a good verse melody won’t necessarily do the trick for a chorus melody. If writing melodies has been the part of your technique that needs the most help, it might be best to stop […]

5 Tips For the Song That Just Won't Fix Itself

Here are some ideas for fixing that song that just never seems finished. Do you have a song in your own personal catalogue that’s finished but just doesn’t sound right? Every once in a while you dig it out and sing through it, but it just lies there like yesterday’s porridge. Everything seems right, but you can […]

Connect with Toontrack – Share Your Songs

For the past couple of weeks, Toontrack has been featuring a celebration of songwriting, showcasing songs by writers like you. If you don’t know about it, here are the details: Check out Toontrack’s “I’m a Songwriter” web page. Upload your song(s) to SoundCloud. Share it in social media with the tag #IMASONGWRITER. Send your SoundCloud […]

A Chord Progression to Brighten the Mood

Here’s an easy way to make 2 key changes as you move from verse to chorus. It’s a very common technique for songwriters to move from minor to major as they move from verse to chorus. A classic example is Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend“, the verse for which is in F minor, switching […]