Comparing Verse and Bridge Song Sections

Here are some key differences between verse and bridge sections of your song. Similar structure, but different duties. In songs that use verse-chorus formats, there’s a relatively predictable way the structure works: things tend to alternate between ambiguous and clear. When you compare verse and chorus melodies, for example, you’ll often (though not always) find […]

Can Your Melody Be Drawn Like a Line?

A line drawing of your melody gives you a valuable graphic tool to diagnose melodic problems _______________ As a songwriter, you’re always looking for a way to make your melodies easily sung and easily remembered. It’s a crucial part of hit songwriting. One of the most important qualities of good melodies is the presence of […]

Connecting the Pulse of a Lyric to the Shape of a Melody

Try this little experiment for getting your lyric and melody to work well together. ___________ It’s an interesting exercise to read a well-known lyric without trying to think of the melody it belongs to. Try it — you’ll likely find yourself putting the same pauses and pulses of the melody into what you’re reading. It […]

Creating Verse and Chorus Chord Partnerships

Songwriters need to find ways to make verse and chorus progressions sound like partners within the same song. ______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle – It’s time to get serious about building your audience base! ______________ There’s no reason that a verse and chorus cannot use the same chord progression, and many […]

Chord Progressions, Melodies, and the Problem of Parallel Motion

When chord roots and melodies move in the same direction all the time, a vital sense of “independence” is lost. ________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and start building a large audience base for your music ________________ For many songs, chord progressions are simple enough that the concept of a bass “line” […]

The Most Common Lyric Error in Songwriting

Balancing descriptive words with emotional ones is a matter of focus. _______________ A good lyric is usually structured in such a way that it alternates between being a) mainly descriptive, and b) mainly emotional. Verse lyrics are the ones that are descriptive, describing people, situations, and story lines. Chorus lyrics are the ones that are […]