Repetition Can Work if You Change Something Each Time

Without repetition, a song would be too difficult for the average listener to remember once it’s done. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and find out which songs become hits, and why they sound so good. _____________ It can really surprise you how little raw material there is in most songs. The vast majority […]

Working Diminished Chords Into Your Progressions

If you like the sound of diminished chords but don’t know how to use them, read on. Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10 e-book bundle. (with a free copy of “Creative Chord Progressions”): “Gary, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for helping the untrained musician learn to understand the fundamentals of music…” Naturally-occuring diminished chords […]

Can Listening to Old Songs Help You Write New Ones?

If you only listen to today’s music, you’re listening to only a tiny percentage of music that can be helping you as a songwriter. ____________ “Your songwriting ebooks really opened my eyes to writing songs, and gave me all the songwriting info I was looking for. You can find many things on the Internet that […]

Taking a Hook and Creating a Complete Song

If you’ve got a short, catchy hook, here’s what you can do to find the rest of the song. ___________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and discover the crucial principles of great songwriting. ___________________ Most songwriters have a large collection of song snippets stored away — ideas that sound good but that never […]

How Do I Know What Key My Song Is In?

Identifying the key makes the task of choosing chords a lot easier, and a lot faster. Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle, and find out why good songs become hits, and what you can do to improve the quality of your own songwriting. How do you know what the key of a song is, and how […]

Creating Song Melodies From a Chord Progression

Chords-first songs can result in boring melodies. Here’s how to avoid that problem. ___________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and open your eyes to the principles of great songwriting. ___________________ The reason why so many songwriters find it easy to start the writing process by creating a chord progression is that you don’t […]