1 Standard Progression, 5 Cool Effects

If your chord progression is boring you, don’t toss it. Here are five things you can do that will make any tired progression sound new. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base, starting right now! _____________ You can’t be faulted for trying to find a “killer progression.” Every […]

Why Saving Your “Failed Songs” Pays Off

If you’re not saving the bits of songs that never see the light of day, you should be. You could be tossing out hit material. ________ Over the past few years I’ve been writing almost daily articles on this blog. And if I’m ever stuck for a word, or a better way of communicating an […]

Learning From the Oldies

There’s so much we can learn from classic hits of the past. Which songs have made you the songwriter you are today? Most of the world’s greatest songwriters, when interviewed, will talk more about the music that has influenced their development than about their own offerings. One of the best ways to improve your songwriting abilities […]

Songwriting When You Don’t Feel Inspired

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Kick-start your songwriting career, starting now. _________ I have great admiration for those who write movie scores. They don’t have the luxury of waiting until they feel inspired. Professional productions run on a schedule, and it’s usually tight. That ability to write on demand is possible for all […]

7 Tips for Beautiful Song Melodies

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Kick-start your songwriting career, starting now. _________ Of all the words that we can use to describe melodies (shape, range, length, etc.), there is probably no one characteristic that is as important as repetition. Most successful melodies, melodies that that attract our attention and are most memorable, are […]

Turnarounds: How They Work, and 10 Examples

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Kick-start your songwriting career, starting now. _________ A turnaround progression is a series of chords whose most important characteristic is to circle back to the starting point, allowing the music to continue on rather seamlessly. These kinds of progressions are quite common, having been in use for centuries, […]