Connecting Ideas Together to Reinforce Song Structure

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ Ideally, a chorus should sound like the logical “answer” to a verse in every way. It’s easy to see how that happens in a song’s lyric, since both verse and chorus lyrics are usually addressing the same thing. But how do […]

A Simple Way to Create the Framework for a Song Melody

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ Creating melodies can turn your brain to mush. You can have a chord progression that you really like, and you may even have some great lyric ideas. But then you try to get something going melodically and nothing happens. Or worse, […]

5 Song Energy Boosters That Keep People Listening

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ Song energy, or forward motion, is the necessary ingredient that keeps people listening to your song. Boredom sets in when energy levels stay the same throughout a song. The term “energy” is an important one to think about, because it doesn’t […]

Our New Child, Arguably My Best Work Yet

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ I hope you will all permit me a short, slightly off-topic post for today before I get back to the world of musical composition. I am delighted to announce that my wife, Catherine, and I have an addition to our family: […]

The New (Additional) Purpose of the Song Intro

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ Even though I’m fond of pointing out that the main difference between pop songs 40 years ago and pop songs today is performance style, it’s still worth looking at other elements and making note of how they’re different. When you dig […]

Take Your Song to the Next level: Write a Countermelody

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and give your songwriting skills a jolt! _____________ A countermelody is a second melody that gets played or sung at the same time as your main melody. It’s best used in choruses, to heighten the energy level of the song, and for this reason will usually appear toward […]