Jonathan Groff

Telling People What You’re Feeling Is Tricky in Songwriting

To say it the way Barry Gibb of Bee Gees fame has said it: “Songs are about feelings.” If you aren’t causing your listeners to feel something when they hear your song, you’ve probably missed the main point of what good songwriting is all about. But there are many ways to deal with feelings in […]

guitarist - songwriter

How the Partnership Between Verse and Chorus Works

Learn how to take a song from faulty to fixed! “Fix Your Songwriting Problems – NOW!” It’s part of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle.” Get it separately, or as part of the bundle package. In songs that use the verse-chorus format, it’s the chorus that really needs to stand out and be memorable. For […]


Experimenting with Odd Time Signatures in Your Songwriting

A time signature is a way of indicating how the basic beat of a song is organized. By far the most common time signature (also called ‘meter’) is 4/4, or common time. Most of the songs you’ve heard in practically any genre are in 4/4 time. “How to Harmonize a Melody.” It shows you, step-by-step, […]

Guitarist - songwriter

Is Being Prolific Important When it Comes to Songwriting?

If you like starting songs by working with a chord progression, you need to read “Writing a Song From a Chord Progression.” It will give you the pros and cons of this songwriting method, and help you create songs that really work! How many songs do you write in a typical month or year? You […]

Song instrumental

Keeping Your Chords Sounding Strong and Creative

When a song is working well, it means that all its separate components don’t just sound good on their own, but they also partner up well with all (or most) of the song’s other components. In that sense, a good song is typically better than the sum of its parts. Some songwriters find chords to […]

Yelverton, Sampford Spiney, UK

…And Back Home Again!

I’m back home after an absolutely wonderful 2-and-a-half weeks in the U.K. It’s been the first proper holiday I’ve allowed myself to have since 2009, fourteen years ago. It felt very odd — almost stressful at first — not updating this blog for two weeks. Sometimes the best vacation you can give yourself is one […]