Elton John

Creating Long Chord Progressions That Work

It might surprise you to know that most chord progressions, regardless of the genre of the song you’re looking at, are relatively short. Comparing verse to chorus, you’ll find that verse progressions tend to be a bit longer on average, involving more chords, but even so, progressions that use more than 6 or 7 chords are […]

Songwriter on a mountaintop

Turning Encounters, Experiences and Feelings Into Songs

If you’re the kind of person who immediately feels that your life experiences could or should be expressed in song, you’re a natural songwriter. But just because that’s true, it doesn’t mean it’s easy. How do you turn your life experiences into music? And how do you do it in such a way that people […]

Piano - Songwriting

Giving Your Song a New Identity

Have you ever written one of those songs that just doesn’t work, no matter what you seem to do to it? Of course, the most common solution is to put it aside, maybe forget about it, and get on with your next one. Before you give up entirely on that song that isn’t measuring up, […]


How to Know If a Song Needs a Bridge

You could make a case for saying that no song needs a bridge, in the sense that there are other solutions at your disposal. Here’s what I mean by that: One of the most important characteristics of any song is contrast. Audiences need to be able to hear some difference between, say, the verse and the chorus, however […]

Guitar - Songwriting - Teacher

Teaching Others Can Improve Your Own Songwriting – Here’s How

Does your songwriting process need some help? The eBooks in “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle are meant to do just that. Check them out at the Online Store, and get “Creative Chord Progressions” FREE with your purchase of the bundle. If you’re looking for a way to improve your own songwriting skills, it […]

Non-singing songwriter

Building an Audience For Your Songs If You’re a Non-Singer

It’s hard to build audiences for songs, if you mean sending your songs “out there” for others to hear and appreciate, and then building a fan base for yourself that way. Songs on their own, standing simply on their own strength, may be excellent, and producers might build their careers around finding great songs. But audiences usually […]