Using Instruments to Grab and Keep Listener Interest

Thousands of songwriters are using Gary Ewer’s “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-Book Bundle to solve their songwriting dilemmas. Now with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro.”  Read More.. ______________ Most songs will use at least two distinct melodies, one for the verse and one for the chorus. It’s not […]

How to Create Fragile Progressions, and Why You’d Use Them

 “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages cover every aspect of songwriting, from chords to melodies to lyrics. They include sound files and a complete glossary of musical terms. Read more _____________ Compare these two progressions: 1. Am  Am/G  FMaj9  C/E  Cm/Eb  Dm7  G  C 2. Am  F  Dm  G  Em  Am  F  G  C The first […]

When to Rewrite and When to Move On

“The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle, written by Gary Ewer, covers every aspect of songwriting, from creating chord progressions, to writing melodies and lyrics, and much more. Read more… ______________ Are you a songwriter that keeps honing and perfecting each song once it’s written? That’s a good thing, of course. But there can be a downside to […]

The Double-Edged Sword Called a Song Hook

A hook is only one part of what makes music successful, and a small part at that. The world’s greatest songwriters are known for their songs, not their hooks. You need to be a complete songwriter if you want to be remembered. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 eBook Bundle shows you every aspect of […]

5 Musical Myths Debunked

 “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle covers every aspect of songwriting, from chords to melodies to lyrics. Also, receive a free eBook “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro.” Read more _____________ You could write an entire book about why, given a discrepancy between scientific facts and anecdote-based folklore, humans are more likely to believe the folklore than […]

Speedwriting Lyrics: Liberating… And Terrifying

Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle. Discover the secrets of chords, melodies, lyrics and more. With sound files, and a complete discography of music that demonstrates each concept. Become a COMPLETE songwriter! The Deluxe Bundle is currently being offered at a discount. Read more.. ______ I’ve written often about the benefits of speedwriting on this […]