Singer-songwriter on stage

Songwriting: Using Sales as a Metric for Success

Popular songwriting has a particular responsibility of being, quite literally, popular. There are many ways to measure popularity, but in the popular music world, it’s been typically measured in sales. These days, popularity is measured in additional ways: clicks, likes, and that sort of thing. But ultimately even clicks and likes are just a kind of […]

Joni Mitchell

How the Shape of Your Melody Can Help or Hurt a Song

If you write purely by instinct, it’s time to guide those instincts with songwriting knowledge. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle shows you, with sound samples and other examples, why great songs sound great. Comes with a Study Guide. Most listeners to a song aren’t aware of many of the structural things that make […]

Songwriting in the studio

Here’s Why Your Song’s Bridge Might Not Be Working

A bridge typically happens right after the second chorus. Here’s a couple of typical ways it might happen: [Intro] – Verse 1 – Chorus – Verse 2 – Chorus – Bridge – Final Chorus Repeats or [Intro] – Verse 1 – Chorus – Verse 2 – Chorus – Bridge – Verse 3 – Final Chorus […]

The Beatles

How High You Sing Can Have a Big Effect On Song Energy

You can define song energy in several ways, but for the purposes of this post, song energy is the sense of musical intensity a listener perceives when they hear your song. And there are several aspects of music that might contribute to intensity: Loudness Rhythmic complexity General rhythmic activity Tonal quality of the various instruments […]


Writing Songs That Are More Easily Remembered

If, after listening to your song, a listener can’t really recall much about it, they’re far less likely to seek your song out to listen to it again. What makes music memorable can be a bit complex, but there are certainly things you could be doing as you write your next song to make it […]

Country music guitarist-songwriter

Targeting Your Audience: Increasing Your Likelihood of Songwriting Success

In the world of pop music, targeting your audience has always meant identifying who was likely to enjoy your songs, and then make it easy for those potential fans to familiarize themselves with your music, and then hopefully buy the record. If you like starting songs by working with a chord progression, you need to […]