Your Songs Live or Die on Energy

From “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website   We tend to think of energy as a value that we give an entire song: “That song has lots of energy…” or “I think that other song needs more energy…” etc. But to be a successful songwriter, you need to be thinking on a more focused level about […]

Publishing Your Own Music

From “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: There’s something to be said for publishing your own music. Doing so is easier than you might think. It requires very little financial outlay to get it set up. It usually means setting up what’s termed a “sole proprietorship” – an unincorporated company. They’re quite easy to set up, […]

Songwriting Contests

From “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: If you’ve written songs that you think are winners, one great way to get them out there is to enter them in a songwriting contest. The Muse’s Muse website contains listings of many songwriting contests for you to consider. Remember that before you enter any competition, or indeed […]

Songwriting Should Not Require Inspiration

From “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website. It’s nice when you’re inspired to write a great song, but good songs and and should  happen even without being particularly inspired. For many, writing a song seems like some sort of magic: you just sit and think for a moment, and  chords, melodies and  lyrics just appear, […]

Becoming better

What do you do to make yourself “better”? If you are a songwriter (and actually, no matter who you are), you need to be asking yourself this question. If you are not specifically considering ways to improve yourself, you are not even close to realizing your full potential. If you aren’t actually thinking of ways […]

Location, Location, Location!

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! _________________ You often hear the phrase, “Location, location, location!” with regard to real estate. The term refers to the value of a piece of land or house. In essence, to determine the value of a house, one of the […]