The Bee Gees

Chord Progression Transitions Between Song Sections

With most good chord progressions, there is a sense that the progression is making one chord (the tonic) sound like a kind of musical target. As each chord happens, you hear that tonic chord approaching, and when it finally happens it sounds musically satisfying. Example: C  Dm  G  Em  Am  Dm  Gsus4  G7  C (I […]

Creative Chord Progressions

Chord Progression eBook Free Offer

Lately I’ve been getting lots of very good questions from songwriters by email regarding chord progressions, and most of those questions deal with some aspect of how to make chords a bit more creative without making them sound… well, like garbage! I thought now might be a good time to go back to offering my […]

Synthesizer player - Songwriter

Creating Melodies From Chord Progressions

Many songwriters like starting the process by working out the chords first. That’s because chords give us a strong sense of mood, and if you’re trying to generate lyrics, creating a mood is a good start. So you’ve got a chord progression to which you then add a rhythmic feel. With that partnership of chords […]

Guitarist - Songwriter

An Easier Way to Choose the Chords For Your Songs

Chord progressions are the one aspect of songwriting where random improvisation can give you something amazing, but unfortunately you’ll often need to wait a very long time before that amazing thing happens, wading through a lot of garbage in the meantime. That’s because there is a logic to chords and the way they move from […]

Band rehearsal session

Verses, Choruses, and the Role of the Tonic Chord

The key of your song is usually determined by the key of your chorus. Your song’s verse might be in A minor, but it’s quite common for the key to then switch to C major for the chorus, and that’s usually what we think of as the song’s main key. When you put the magnifying […]

Burton Cummings

Adding Colour to Chord Progressions With a Major II-Chord

If all you need are some chord progressions to get your songwriting process started, “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” contains 2 chord collections plus eBooks on how to create your own chords, and how to add chords to melodies that you’ve written. If you take a major scale and build chords above each […]