How to Use Chord Inversions to Greatest Effect

A chord inversion (“slash chord”) can add a great sense of variety to a standard chord progression. An inverted chord (some know them as “slash chords”) are ones in which the lowest-sounding note is not the letter-name of the chord. If you play a C major chord on a guitar while the bass plays a […]

Chord Progressions for Songs in a Minor Key or Mode

The difference between minor key and minor mode. ______________  It’s time to get serious about your songwriting. Buy “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, written by Gary Ewer. And get a 7th eBook FREE, “From Amateur to Ace – Writing Songs Like a Pro.” Time to become the best songwriter you can be! Read more.. ______________ Many songwriters are comfortable […]

Microphone - Writing a melody

Improvising Melodic Ideas By Changing the Starting Note

When trying to write a song that differs from your last one, don’t forget the importance of a new starting note. _____________ Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-Ebook Deluxe Bundle. 11 Songwriting Principles That Will Turn Your Writing Around – Guaranteed. _____________ If you find that all of your song melodies sound uncomfortably similar, the problem is likely rooted in […]

Praise G-sus, and Other Non-chord Tones

Chord suspensions are one way to take a standard progression and add a bit of colour. ______________  Looking for good songwriting content for your iPad, Kindle, laptop, desktop, or other PDF-reading device? Gary Ewer’s eBook Bundle, “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting”, will show you why good songs are good, and how to apply those lessons […]

Chord Progressions That Move Back and Forth From Fragile to Strong

Many progressions actually move back and forth fragile and strong qualities, and you can use this to your advantage in songwriting. ____________ Purchase Gary Ewer’s “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and become the songwriter you’ve always thought you could be! _____________ Before reading this post, why not watch this video, which will explain some of the important concepts: […]

Why Simple/Basic Chord Progressions Are Usually All You Need

A strong, stable chord progression allows for more complexity in your lyrics, melodies and performance. ____________ What do you use your iPad for? Why not let it help you improve your songwriting skills? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Deluxe Bundle, and increase your song’s HIT potential. For desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone, or any other PDF-reading device. _____________ Good music is an […]