Getting Pre-Chorus Chord Choices Right

The chords of a pre-chorus, like the melody and lyric, need to build song energy. ____________________ Read more about how “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle can make you a top-level songwriter. ____________________ A pre-chorus is a short section of music that sits between the verse and the chorus. Its main function is to act […]

Swapping the IV-Chord For a ii-Chord

Switching one chord for another – done most easily when both chords belong to the same class. ____________________ Check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle. Learn to write songs daily, even when inspiration seems lacking. ____________________ The Eagles’ first hit single, “Take It Easy“, nicely demonstrates how replacing one chord with another can subtly […]

7 Tips For Making Better Use of Chord Progression Charts

Like anything in music, chord progression charts still require you to use some imagination. Once in a while, all you really want are some chord progressions that can get you going right away in the songwriting process. For this reason, many of you have collections of chord progressions that you keep nearby as you work […]

How Tempo Affects Chord Choice

It’s difficult to be specific about chord progressions in music, because the chords you choose will have a lot to do with the genre you are composing in. But across any and all genres, there are at least two generalizations that can be made: The faster the tempo of your song, the longer you should […]

Where Are Your Chord Progressions Going?

Good chord progressions are not about where you’ve been — they’re about where you’re going. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base! _____________ It’s no accident of terminology that we call a set of chords used in a piece of music a progression. If you think of progressions as simply one chord followed […]