Earworm Melodies

Recent Research on Earworm Melodies

As you know, an earworm melody is one which gets stuck in the mind of the listener which, even with great effort, won’t easily relinquish its grip. When we’re experiencing a melody as an earworm, we don’t usually describe it as a pleasant experience. There’s an interesting recent study on earworm melodies, “Dissecting an Earworm: […]

songwriting session

7 Tips For a More Productive Songwriting Session

“Writing a Song From a Chord Progression”: Discover the secrets of the chords-first songwriting process. It’s part of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” Songwriting should be, at least on some level, fun. It’s not something you’d do unless you were getting a certain level of enjoyment from it. But if lately your songwriting sessions are frustrating […]

songwriting collaboration

When Are Songwriting Collaborations a Good Idea?

The FREE DEAL continues… Get “Use Your Words!” free with your purchase of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle”, and learn how to develop a lyrics-first songwriting process. First, the easy answer: a songwriting collaboration is never a good idea if it means making compromises that you aren’t happy to make. So if you’re […]

Guitarist - songwriter

Avoiding Songwriter’s Struggle By Focusing On the Small Bits

If you’re like most songwriters, you don’t feel the glow of success until you’ve completed a song. While that song is being written, you’re in the midst of what might be called a creative struggle. You’re trying to get all the small bits to cooperate. The struggle is called songwriting. When you win the battle, […]

Piano - songwriting

Writing Song Melodies, and What You Can Learn From “Heart and Soul”

“Heart and Soul“, that popular song that so many people like to plunk out mindlessly on piano, is a lot older than many realize. It was written in 1938 — 80 years ago! — by American songwriters Hoagy Carmichael and Frank Loesser. If you look up “infectious” in a music dictionary, don’t be too surprised […]

songwriter at synthesizer

Moving Beyond Imagination: Creating a Powerful Song

This is a common situation in the creative arts. You get some good ideas that get the ball rolling, and then everything seems to fizzle, and you’re left with an incomplete song. At those times, it seems easier to start a new song than finish an old one. So that means you’ve got a box-full […]