Songwriting, pen, music, lyrics

Adding Lyrics to Music: Solving Rhythm and Timing Problems

For those of you who find setting lyrics to be the easy part, you can more or less ignore this post and go on with your regularly scheduled life. But if you find the whole issue of setting lyrics to music — especially with regard to rhythm and timing — to be one of the trickiest parts […]

Recording Studio

The New World of Songwriting – But Not That Different, Really

Today’s world of pop music can be a very insular one, in the sense that many “discoveries” pop musicians make about what people like aren’t really new after all. I’ve posted an article from the New Yorker recently, called “The Sound Machine,” about how hits are written today. In that article, Jay Brown (president of Roc Nation) said: “You’ve […]

Can’t Get Beyond the Chorus? Try These Ideas

When you conjure up the first musical bits that will become your next song, those bits are likely going to become part of your song’s chorus. That’s because it’s most likely that you’ll find it easy to think up something like a hook than something like a verse or a bridge. And hooks are going to be the […]

Writing a Song from a Chord Progression

New Ebook: “Writing a Song From a Chord Progression”

I mentioned in my blog post yesterday that I was just about finished a new short ebook about chords-first songwriting. It’s now finished, all except for a final thorough proofread. It’s part of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Deluxe Bundle. Read more. Here’s a short excerpt from the 35-page “Writing a Song From a Chord […]

Toontrack Country Month

Guest Post for Country Month (Toontrack)

This month (February 2016) is Country Month at Toontrack, online maker of sample-based software and other songwriting tools. I’m honoured to have been asked to write an article for their Country Month launch, and they’ve posted Part 1 over on their site. Here’s a short excerpt: Has Technology Changed the Nature of Music? PART 1 Only […]

Guitar, paper & pencil, smartphone

Songwriting As a Problem-Solving Activity

It’s easy to see songwriting as a kind of problem-solving activity. The problem? Well, coming up with a finished song of course. And every decision you make – in a sense, every problem you solve – moves you closer to the end product: a completed song. But this kind of activity differs from most other problem-solving activities in the sense […]