Improving Your Song With Good Vocal Harmonies

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle, and become a TOP-LEVEL SONGWRITER! ______________ One of the things I’m working on right now is a manual to help musicians write good vocal harmonies. It’s an important part of making your song sound polished and professional. Good backing vocals can bump your son up a […]

Songwriting Shouldn’t Be Hit-or-Miss: Improve Your Odds!

Non-musicians can be forgiven if they think that composing music is kind of magical. That it just sort of happens. But what shocks me is the number of songwriters who take that approach to writing music. In case you need this point hammered home, here it is: If you aren’t practicing your songwriting craft, you’re […]

When Chorus Melodies are Pitched Lower Than Verses

Since you want song energy to either stay the same or increase as a song proceeds, it seems to be obvious that you’ll want verse melodies to sit, on average, lower in pitch than chorus melodies. This is because when pitches move upward listeners tend to interpret that as an increase in energy. But there […]

5 Ways of Starting Your Next Song

There are several tried and true ways of starting the songwriting process. And if you’re smart, you’ll experiment with all of them. How you start a song has a lot to do with how it finally sounds in the end. If you find that all of your songs have a similar sound, it could be […]

Working Backwards Creates Better Songs

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and get a new perspective on how great songs get written! _____________ If you were going to take a trip somewhere, it would be a bit strange to set out without having any idea of where you’re going. In fact, that kind of trip usually gets called a […]

5 Song Energy Boosters That Keep People Listening

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ Song energy, or forward motion, is the necessary ingredient that keeps people listening to your song. Boredom sets in when energy levels stay the same throughout a song. The term “energy” is an important one to think about, because it doesn’t […]