Balancing the Strange With the Predictable

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-book bundle, and FINE-TUNE your songwriting skills! ________________________ Most of the songs that become hits in any generation display a mixture of innovative elements with a dose of predictability. But in fact, the balance is very much toward the predictable. Most hit songs sound, in their day, like most […]

Bolster Your Songwriting Skill With These 5 Writing Games

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-book bundle, and FINE-TUNE your songwriting skills! It’s pretty obvious that the more you write, the stronger your technique becomes. But it really pays off to put a microscope on your songs from time to time, and focus in on the aspects of writing that you find the hardest. […]

Expanding Your Songwriting World

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-book bundle, and FINE-TUNE your songwriting skills! You’re a songwriter because you enjoy it. It’s your creative outlet, your way of putting your musical imagination to work. Whether you’re a member of a band, or you simply write songs for your own use and pleasure, songwriting is, for you, […]

The Subtle Nature of Contrast in Songwriting

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-book bundle, and learn every aspect of great songwriting! ________________________ The worst reaction a song can generate is boredom. Most songwriters would rather deal with outright hatred of their music. Hatred usually means someone didn’t like your tune, but leaves the possibility open that others might like it. But […]

Demanding Attention in the Songwriting World

Part of my job is to conduct performing groups, mostly choirs and orchestras these days. I find myself often using a phrase with performers of music which has particular relevance to the songwriting world: “Don’t let the fact that you’re the only sound going on in the room be the reason why people are listening.” […]

Generating Momentum Is Job #1 in Songwriting

Momentum in the songwriting world comes from the sense that whatever is happening in the song right now is about to get better; whatever questions are being asked are about to be answered; whatever tension is being created harmonically is about to be resolved, and so on. Momentum, otherwise known as song energy or forward motion, […]