John Mayer's "Paper Doll" – Why the Melody Works So Well

Repetition and contrast provide melodic strength to “Paper Doll”. _______________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 eBook Bundle, and get “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro” free. _______________________ John Mayer’s “Paper Doll”, from his recent “Paradise Valley” album (released in August, 2013), is a beautiful tune that shows songwriters how melodic motifs […]

Simple Song Design Using Big Star's "Thirteen"

Big Star’s “Thirteen” could have been written today, and in fact you can use it as a model for your next song. ____________________ “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle now includes a free copy of “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro.” ____________________ I was recently reminded of the band Big Star recently […]

The Benefits and Dangers of the Magnifying Glass in Song Analysis

Putting a magnifying glass on a song allows you to understand its internal structure, but this can negatively affect your ability to truly understand it. ____________ Purchase “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get this eBook FREE OF CHARGE: “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro”. _____________ We use the analogy of the magnifying […]

Writing a Song Refrain: It’s Not Just a Short Chorus

If all you know about a refrain is that it’s shorter than a chorus, read on. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and solve your songwriting problems TODAY. _____________ Refrains have been an integral part of songwriting for literally centuries. Over those many hundreds of years, however, its definition has modified. When it used to […]

How to Analyze Hit Songs, and Boost Your Own Songwriting Skills In the Process

Once you know why hit songs are successful, you can apply those successes to your own music. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and increase your song’s HIT potential. _____________ Is it possible to analyze music without having strong music theory skills? I strongly advocate the learning of music theory as being hugely beneficial when analyzing […]

Songwriting: Analyze Your Failures, and Others’ Successes

Analysis helps you become a better songwriter, but there are times when it’s best to simply move on. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ The analysis of good music can reveal important secrets to you as a songwriter, and I highly advise getting […]