Classic Song Analysis: “Like a Rolling Stone” (Dylan)

Sitting atop The Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Songs of All Time,” Dylan’s “Like a Rolling Stone” is arguably one of the most influential pop songs ever written. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ There was much about “Like a Rolling Stone” that would […]

Classic Song Analysis: “God Only Knows” (Wilson/Asher)

A gorgeous tune, and groundbreaking in its day, “God Only Knows” still has lots for today’s songwriters to learn. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ “God Only Knows”, from the Beach Boys’ seminal album Pet Sounds (1966), usually makes it to any list […]

Learning From the Oldies

There’s so much we can learn from classic hits of the past. Which songs have made you the songwriter you are today? Most of the world’s greatest songwriters, when interviewed, will talk more about the music that has influenced their development than about their own offerings. One of the best ways to improve your songwriting abilities […]

What Can Today’s Songwriters Learn From Yesterday’s Songs?

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Kick-start your songwriting career, starting now. _________ History, at least as it pertains to the arts, has a way of filtering out garbage. For example, it’s easy to think that during the Classical era it was mainly Mozart and Haydn who were doing the bulk of the writing, […]

Songwriting and the Value of “Snapshot Analysis”

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Become a top-level songwriter, starting now. _________ Whether it’s writing a 4-minute song or a 3-hour long opera, a composer’s task is to take the listener on a musical journey. And while composing a complete opera might seem to be a daunting undertaking, there are particular challenges that […]

Song Analysis: “Pumped Up Kicks” (Foster the People)

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle, and become a top-level songwriter! __________________ Foster The People’s current hit song, “Pumped Up Kicks” is a good model for a song that uses one set of chord changes that serves as the progression for the entirety of the song. Our instincts usually tell us that using […]