Stop Worrying About How

There’s nothing special about how good music is written. It’s always about musical structure. _______________ Written by Gary Ewer, author of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook Bundle. _______________ If you go online to research how other songwriters write their music, you’ll probably see something to the effect of, “Well, there are lots of ways to write, […]

Creating Chord Progressions From the Bass Line

Working out a catchy bass line gives you several options for the chords you might use to accompany it. _____________ It can be an interesting idea to generate a chord progression by starting with what you’d like to hear in the bass. There are several possibilities for every bass line you create, and that’s what […]

What Happens to Melodies as a Song Progresses?

Here’s a short description of how a melody moves and changes from beginning to end of most songs. _______________  “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Deluxe Bundle will strengthen your songwriting technique, and take you to a new level of musical excellence. It includes “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro“. Read more.. ________________ For those […]

Writing a Chords-First Song: Creating Layers

Written by Gary Ewer, author of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook Bundle. _______________ Many songwriters like the chords-first approach to songwriting. That’s mainly because the chords do such a good job of establishing a mood, and for many, getting the mood right is an important first step. No matter how you start, songwriting usually becomes […]

7 Things to Check When Songs Aren’t Working

There’s often a very fine line between good songs and bad ones. Here’s a short checklist to get a weak song working. _______________  “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle will strengthen your songwriting technique, and take you to a new level of musical excellence. It comes with an 11th free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. Read more.. ________________ […]

5 Chord Progression Partners for Verse-Only Songs

Some suggestions for making a verse-only progression sound like a complete musical journey. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle to improve their technique. Includes two volumes of chord progressions, plus the very popular “Chord Progression Formulas”, and now comes with a free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. Read more.. ________________ Chord progression […]