Listening Outside Your Genre Improves Songwriting Skills

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career right now! ____________ It’s understandable; you usually only want to listen to the music that you love, the music you grew up with, and the music that you write. If you’re into metal, you’re not likely going to cozy up with the […]

Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep”: Why it Works

Lately I’ve been hearing lots of people lament the dreadful state of pop music, and wonder what the future holds for us. Nothing’s new: every year has its hit-makers whose popularity can make any self-respecting pop music enthusiast weep. But Adele, pop soul artist from England, should give any and all reason to hope. Her […]

Songwriting: What’s the Best Starting Point?

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career right now! ____________ The cheeky answer to “What’s the best way to start a song” is, “Any way you want, as long as it’s not the same way you started your last song.” Usually, the way you start a song greatly determines […]

Tips ‘n Tricks: Writing a Hook that Works

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting”. It’s supposed to be FUN to become the best songwriter you can be! ___________________ Say the word “hook”, and you think immediately of pop songs. But hooks have been a part of music composition starting the middle-Renaissance through to the present, in pretty much every genre you can think of. […]

Captivating Listeners in Today’s Songwriting World

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and open your mind! Become the songwriter you’ve always wanted to be! ____________________ Ever notice that many hit songs start with unique intros? Just take a listen to any songs in the top 10 right now on Billboard, and you’ll notice that the majority of them […]

Five Ways to Make a Distinction Between Verses 1 and 2

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and open your mind! Become the songwriter you’ve always wanted to be! ____________________ In general, listeners should perceive a build in energy over the length of  your song. That energy build is what keeps them interested, and keeps them listening. There can be a problem with […]