Avoiding the 7 Most Common Songwriting Problems

• Your songs missing something? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! Believe me, there’s much that can go wrong in the creating of music. But over my years of studying and analyzing music by both professionals and students, I noticed that the same errors and […]

What Else "Progresses" Besides Chords?

• Your songs missing something? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! _______________________ When you add chords to a melody, you’re really doing two things: 1) you are assigning chords that properly harmonize a small group of melody notes before moving on to the next small […]

Time to Check the Songwriters' Checklist Again

Your songs missing something? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! _______________________ It’s important to remember that successful songs don’t usually achieve that status by accident. There are reasons why songs work, and there’s usually a logic behind those reasons. When your songs are floundering, it’s […]

Five Ways to Give Your Songs Forward Motion

Your songs missing something? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! _______________________ Forward motion, otherwise known as momentum, is best defined by the effect it has on the listener: it makes it easy for listeners to keep listening, and makes it hard for them to turn […]

Discovering and Cultivating Your Songwriting Talent

Most songwriting books and manuals make the assumption, quite understandably, that the reader is already a songwriter, and simply wants a bit of advice. But there are many people who feel that they’ve got the ideas for a song inside them, but have never known how to go about getting those ideas organized into a […]

The Subtle Nature of Contrast in Songwriting

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-book bundle, and learn every aspect of great songwriting! ________________________ The worst reaction a song can generate is boredom. Most songwriters would rather deal with outright hatred of their music. Hatred usually means someone didn’t like your tune, but leaves the possibility open that others might like it. But […]