Songwriter - lyrics

Forced Rhymes: the Ever-Present Danger of Rhyming Dictionaries

Apparently Bruce Springsteen used a rhyming dictionary to come up with the lyrics to “Blinded By the Light.” That cleared up a long-held puzzlement for me: I was finding it hard to understand how in the world his musical mind was coming up with those lyrical images: Madman drummers bummers and indians in the summer […]


Fixing Common Problems With Song Lyrics

It’s not hard to find songwriters who find the writing of the lyrics to be the most difficult part of the process. You know what you want to write about, but every time you try to put it in the form of a lyric, your words sound confused, disorganized, or just plain corny. It’s time to […]

5 Lyrical Problems That Can Cause Songs to Fail

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ If you ever do an online search for lists of “the worst songs ever”, or “the corniest songs in music history”, you’re in for a fun time. When we talk about corny songs, we’re usually talking about song lyrics. We […]

5 Lyrical Clichés That Will Kill Your Song

by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website. It makes for fun reading to go online and find a site devoted to the worst songs ever written. The writers of these songs can at least console themselves with the knowledge that to be renowned for being bad requires the song (often) to have […]