The Most Common Lyric Error in Songwriting

Balancing descriptive words with emotional ones is a matter of focus. _______________ A good lyric is usually structured in such a way that it alternates between being a) mainly descriptive, and b) mainly emotional. Verse lyrics are the ones that are descriptive, describing people, situations, and story lines. Chorus lyrics are the ones that are […]

The Casual Nature of Good Song Lyrics

Lyrics don’t need to be clever as much as they need to be honest, and create imagery. __________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle. Write smarter, and tap into your creative mind. __________________ The biggest task before a songwriter is to create music that communicates something to an audience. Your music actually has to […]

Getting Song Lyrics Right, And In the Right Order

Messing up on song lyrics means losing an opportunity to connect with the audience. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and increase your song’s HIT potential. _____________ Everything you do in music communicates something to the people listening to it. It goes almost without saying that it’s the words you use, and the way that you […]

Working a Melody in an Upward Direction

From the start of a verse to the end of a chorus, melodic direction should be generally upward. Here’s a close look at that principle. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and discover the basic principles of why hit songs work. _____________ There’s a good reason why melodies typically work their way upward […]

“It Will Rain”: How to Create Emotions in Song Lyrics

Simply describing emotions usually isn’t enough – you need to create them. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ Recently I wrote about the importance of writing a lyric that can make an emotional impact on a listener. I want to look a bit […]

Becoming a Better Lyricist: Making an Emotional Appeal

When songs sound “corny”, bad lyrics are almost always to blame. Here are some ideas for improving your lyrical abilities. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ Every language has a written form and an oral form. In songwriting, you’ll want to focus on […]