Changing Key, and Then Changing Back

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 6-eBook Bundle“, and become a top-level songwriter! ______________ Changing key in the middle of a song is one way you can boost musical energy. More often than not, you’ll move the key higher, since downward-moving key changes are tricky to do as they tend to sap momentum. There are lots of […]

Pre-Chorus: When It Makes Sense To Write One

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ A pre-chorus is that bit of music that songwriters sometimes insert between a verse and a chorus. Not all songs use them; in most cases, it’s completely fine to move straight from the verse to the chorus. But there are songs, and […]

Building a Climactic Moment: the Tonic Note and Chord

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ Adele’s hit, “Someone Like You”, demonstrates an important feature of melody; specifically, how the power of a melody is, in partnership with vocal range, governed by how the tonic note and chord are used. Most songs will exhibit an important principle of […]

5 Ways a Song’s Verse and Chorus Should Differ

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ There are important differences between verse and chorus structure in a song, differences that are not usually clearly obvious to the listener. But as a songwriter you need to get this bit of compositional architecture right. Done correctly, a verse features […]

10 Songwriting Ideas that Generate Rhythmic Energy

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Become a top-level songwriter, starting now. _________ The rhythmic choices you make as you compose a song are strong contributors to the overall energy level of your music. Some aspects of rhythm are determined by your lyrics. But other details can be more fully under your control: the […]

Why Are Songs Easy to Start, But Hard to Finish?

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle. Become a top-level songwriter, starting now. _________ My experience is that most songwriters can start a new song at the drop of a hat. That’s almost never a problem. The difficulty is finishing it. Those initial ideas that coalesce into something of a musical embryo represent, for most […]