Pianist - Songwriter

Songwriting: Your Best First Advancements

What’s the most effective way to learn songwriting? Is it like other topics that you might learn in a college school? I taught music for years in public school and then at university, but I don’t believe that school is the best way to learning everything. “Chord Progression Formulas” show you how to create dozens […]

Guitarist - Songwriter

Songwriting Excellence Comes From Discipline and Consistency

Writing a great song is the dream of every songwriter, but one excellent song doesn’t necessarily point to consistency. There are many one-hit wonders, many songwriters who have been able to write something amazing, but have been unable to follow it up with another excellent song. I write about consistency a lot on this blog, […]

Eric Clapton

Consistency: The Most Important Songwriting Quality

The term one-hit wonder, in the realm of music, refers to a performer that manages to make the charts only once in their career. The actual definition is complex, but suffice it to say that it typically refers to a performer or band that makes one appearance on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and no other appearances. Less […]

Songwriting Excellence and Floppy-Eared Rabbits

  I’ve written numerous times on this blog about the importance for songwriters to be consistently excellent. That means you need to be writing excellent songs, and achieving that level of excellence over and over again. As a songwriter, you need to come to terms with what the word “excellence” really means. An allegory might help. Imagine […]

When Excellence Isn't Enough

Successful songs aren’t just excellent. They’re distinctive. ______________  Looking for good songwriting content for your iPad, Kindle, laptop, desktop, or other PDF-reading device? Gary Ewer’s eBook Bundle, “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting”, will show you why good songs are good, and how to apply those lessons to your own music. Get the complete bundle of […]

With Songwriting, Basic Curiosity Is an Essential Ingredient

No good musician works in a vacuum. Here’s how to let curiosity guide your songwriting career. ______________ Take your songwriting to a new level of excellence. Buy “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Deluxe Bundle, written by Gary Ewer. It comes with “From Amateur to Ace – Writing Songs Like a Pro.” Read more.. ______________ In my years of […]