Songwriting and emotion

Songwriting, Emotion and Relevance

Good songs are efficient communication devices. But not particularly of facts and figures: if you want to educate your audience about the history of your town, for example, a song is a poor choice for doing so. Unless your song lyric is 80,000 words long, a book will more efficiently convey facts and figures. But […]

When the Feel of a Song is More Important Than Anything Else

Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle. Discover why great songs are great, and how to use those secrets in your own music. Buy today and get “Creative Chord Progressions” FREE. In the last post, we saw that contrast in modern pop music has a lot to do with melodic shape and chords, and not […]

5 Elements That Contribute To a Song’s Overall Feel

Establishing a song’s “feel” is not just the job of the drums. In fact, at least 5 different elements interact to create an overall feel. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle to improve their technique. It comes with an 11th free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. Read more.. ________________ The groove or feel of […]