Gregorian Chant - Rock Music

How Gregorian Chant Reminds Us Of a Vital Principle for Setting Lyrics

A number of years ago I wrote a blog article called “Pop Songs: What Checking the Fossil Record Can Do For Us“. In that post, I made a comparison between how Gregorian Chant (the music of the early Christian church of about A.D. 500) bore certain similarities to the way melodies are written today. You may […]


The Seemingly Eternal Characteristics of Good Song Melodies

If you were to ask me to describe what makes a good song melody, I’d probably tell you this: On the whole, when you look at songs that have made their mark and have been held up as iconic representations of their genre, the following is usually true: They move in a mainly stepwise way. […]

Learning Melody Writing from 2000-Year Old Music

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ It’s fascinating for a songwriter to look back almost two thousand years into the “ancient DNA” of songwriting. You would be hard pressed to listen to Gregorian Chant and hear any similarity to the music being written by today’s songwriters. But […]