Getting a Grip on Song Melodies

If you’ve learned one thing as a songwriter, it’s that song melodies change as a song progresses. What often passes as a good verse melody won’t necessarily do the trick for a chorus melody. If writing melodies has been the part of your technique that needs the most help, it might be best to stop […]

5 Tips For the Song That Just Won't Fix Itself

Here are some ideas for fixing that song that just never seems finished. Do you have a song in your own personal catalogue that’s finished but just doesn’t sound right? Every once in a while you dig it out and sing through it, but it just lies there like yesterday’s porridge. Everything seems right, but you can […]

Writing Songs By Working Out the Chords, then Layering Ideas

Here’s a step-by-step guide for writing a song that starts with creating a short, strong chord progression. ________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle. High-quality PDFs for laptop, desktop, iPad, or any other PDF-reading device. Stop struggling! It’s time to take your songwriting to a new level of excellence. ________________ It’s a favourite […]

Songwriting Exercise: Creating Melodic Ideas for a Line of Lyric

Here’s a way to create several melodic ideas for one line of lyric. Then all you do is choose the best one. _______________ Written by Gary Ewer, author of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” ebook Bundle. _______________ It’s often hard to say why a certain melody seems to partner so well with a lyric. We know […]

Using Chords to Get Song Melody Ideas

Like a good set of chords, good melodies need a sense of purpose and direction.  “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle will strengthen your songwriting technique, and take you to a new level of musical excellence. It comes with an 11th free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. When it comes to writing songs, here’s the main problem […]

Stop Worrying About How

There’s nothing special about how good music is written. It’s always about musical structure. _______________ Written by Gary Ewer, author of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook Bundle. _______________ If you go online to research how other songwriters write their music, you’ll probably see something to the effect of, “Well, there are lots of ways to write, […]