How Aging Affects Your Ability to Write Music

In the classical music realm, there is a notion that composers at some point reach an age of maturity regarding their compositional abilities and style. It’s a bit of an odd term in the sense that it implies that the music they wrote up to that point might be “immature.” But there is a validity to […]

Rock Band Singer

Some of the Best Musical Tips I Ever Received

I find that when I talk about songwriting, or even just music in general, with good musicians, I always learn something that sticks with me and becomes part of who I am as a musician. And I hope you have those experiences as well. Many of the bits of advice and miscellaneous thoughts that I pick […]

Guitar - Songwriting - Teacher

Teaching Others Can Improve Your Own Songwriting – Here’s How

Does your songwriting process need some help? The eBooks in “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle are meant to do just that. Check them out at the Online Store, and get “Creative Chord Progressions” FREE with your purchase of the bundle. If you’re looking for a way to improve your own songwriting skills, it […]

How a Knowledge of Music Theory Improves Your Songwriting

Have you ever had anyone tell you that music theory will stifle your sense of creativity? That’s a common fear, but in fact the exact opposite is true. A knowledge of the rudiments of music will actually improve your imagination and make you far more creative. You need to look no further for evidence of this […]

Guitar and keyboard

How Chords Can Limit Your Melodic Ideas

Here’s a tip for you, especially if you’re a chords-first songwriter who works out songs on a guitar. And it may seem like a simple, no-brainer type of tip, but it’s an important one: revoice your chords. Each time you play through a chord progression, you’ll find that your ear gets drawn to the highest notes […]

Songwriting successes and failures

Solving Your Bad Songwriting Habits

The Essential Secrets of Songwriting Online Store has the answer to whatever frustrates you about songwriting. Anyone who composes music — songwriter, lyricist, arranger, film score composer — is a creature of habit. You are a songwriter, and you know that this is true. You probably have your go-to way of working on songs. Those are […]