Chord Substitutions: Finding a Great Chord

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle. Become a top-level songwriter, starting now. And get today’s FREE deal:  a free copy of “Creative Chord Progressions” _________ Every songwriter has their favourite way of starting the songwriting process. For many, it involves sitting at a keyboard, or with a guitar, and working out a chord progression that then […]

Changing Key Using A Common-Tone Modulation

Are you hitting your target audience? “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” will show you how to get your songs’ structural problems solved. ______________ Changing key (called modulation) in the middle of a song actually doesn’t happen very often in pop music genres, but there are several reasons why you might choose to do it. Usually […]

Five Ways to Make a Distinction Between Verses 1 and 2

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and open your mind! Become the songwriter you’ve always wanted to be! ____________________ In general, listeners should perceive a build in energy over the length of  your song. That energy build is what keeps them interested, and keeps them listening. There can be a problem with […]

Orchestrating Songs: Adding Solo Acoustic Instruments

Written by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website. FOLLOW GARY ON TWITTER for songwriting tips and notification of blog updates. Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” suite of 6 e-books now at a 50% saving. __________________________ There’s nothing like the natural beauty of an acoustic instrument. While we should feel blessed that we […]

The Difference Between Verse 1 and Verse 2

“Simply making Verse 2 louder than Verse 1 isn’t the answer. Simply making things louder doesn’t give you the natural energy build you’re looking for.” Written by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website Follow Gary on Twitter I’ve mentioned recently in several postings that the basic energy level of your song should rise […]

Getting Creative – It May Be Easier Than You Think

Writer’s block is a frustrating thing when it happens. And while there’s lots you can do to help keep it to a minimum, it can happen to the best of us. But getting that creative feeling may be easier than you think, and if you’ve got even just a basic keyboard, here’s something you can […]