Folk band concert

The 3 Most Important Components of a Good Song Hook

“It’s all about the hook,” you’ll often be told, when it comes to successful pop songwriting. The only problem with that assertion is that it makes it seem as though other song elements aren’t quite as important. A hook grabs attention, to be sure, but doesn’t excuse you from making sure that the overall structure […]

Beatles in Rehearsal

Finding That Missing Line of Lyric

Have you ever been in a position where you’ve got a great line of lyric for your verse or chorus, but you simply can’t come up with anything that follows it? It can be a great frustration. In this video, you hear George Harrison trying to come up with a second line for his hit […]

Stream of Consciousness

How Stream of Consciousness Writing Helps Songwriters

Stream of consciousness writing means to put down your thoughts as they occur to you – literally a continuous stream of thoughts, ideas, opinions in as close to real time as you can get. One of the most interesting (some might say negative) characteristics of stream of consciousness is the fact that there is no time […]


Does Your Melody Work Without the Chords and Lyric?

Not all songs are about the melody. Since every good song is a partnership of melody, lyrics and chords (and then miscellaneous other bits that get woven in and around those elements), you can wind up with a song that makes a stronger impact through its hook, lyric or rhythmic groove, and leave melody as a less […]

How to Move From Fragile to Strong in Popular Songwriting

Moving from fragile elements to strong ones is an important contributor to the contrast principle of songwriting. _____________ Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages are being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of excellence. Get the discount price on the […]

The Double-Edged Sword Called a Song Hook

A hook is only one part of what makes music successful, and a small part at that. The world’s greatest songwriters are known for their songs, not their hooks. You need to be a complete songwriter if you want to be remembered. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 eBook Bundle shows you every aspect of […]