Comparing Verse and Bridge Song Sections

Here are some key differences between verse and bridge sections of your song. Similar structure, but different duties. In songs that use verse-chorus formats, there’s a relatively predictable way the structure works: things tend to alternate between ambiguous and clear. When you compare verse and chorus melodies, for example, you’ll often (though not always) find […]

Connecting the Pulse of a Lyric to the Shape of a Melody

Try this little experiment for getting your lyric and melody to work well together. ___________ It’s an interesting exercise to read a well-known lyric without trying to think of the melody it belongs to. Try it — you’ll likely find yourself putting the same pauses and pulses of the melody into what you’re reading. It […]

The Most Common Lyric Error in Songwriting

Balancing descriptive words with emotional ones is a matter of focus. _______________ A good lyric is usually structured in such a way that it alternates between being a) mainly descriptive, and b) mainly emotional. Verse lyrics are the ones that are descriptive, describing people, situations, and story lines. Chorus lyrics are the ones that are […]

For a Bit of Songwriting Fun

Songwriting games help to take the pressure off and let you have a bit of fun. ___________ Many authors will start their day by doing some free-writing, which is a sort of speedwriting “write-whatever-pops-into-your-mind” kind of thing. The benefit of speedwriting is that it focuses the mind, clears the cobwebs out, and perhaps most importantly, […]

Intensifying the Impact of Key Words In Your Lyric

Give considerable thought not just to which words to use, but where you place them in your melody. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-Ebook Bundle. 11 Songwriting Principles That Will Turn Your Writing Around – Guaranteed. _____________ You know that all words are not created equal; some words carry far more emotional meaning than others. It’s those […]

Lyrics and Imagery: Ben Folds’ “Wandering”

The best lyrics are the ones that stimulate the listener’s imagination in very simple ways. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and learn the 11 principles crucial to any songwriter’s success. _____________ A good lyric isn’t necessarily the one that tells a story or describes things using the clearest terms. It’s more the one […]