Songwriter at piano

To Keep Writer’s Block Away, Less Might Be More

There’s a little trick I use when I’m having one of those days where it seems I’m getting nothing done. It works best at the times in my life when I feel that I have nothing to show for how busy my day seems to be: I put the simplest, easiest tasks into my daily […]

Sia - Chandelier

Songwriting: What You Need to Know About Song Form

When we talk about form in songwriting, we might be referring to the various sections of a song: verse, chorus, bridge, etc. Or we might be talking about something like the rhyme scheme of the lyrics: ABAB, for example. Or we might be talking about some aspect of the design of the melody… ascending figures contrasting with […]

Tips for Finishing Stubborn Songs

We’ve all been there: a new idea for a song pops quickly into your mind, and with great excitement you dig in and hope to have the song finished in a day or so. But somewhere along the line the ideas fizzle. What you’re left with is something that’s got the promise of greatness, but […]

songwriting - unique instrumentation

5 Songwriting Tips to Make Your Songs Stand Out From the Rest

If you’re tired of writing songs that just don’t cut it, and you want the secrets to songwriting excellence, it’s time to check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBooks. Looking for a way to make heads turn with your songwriting? If you really want to establish yourself and rise above the pack, you need […]

Guitar and music

Songwriting, And the Pressure to Be Unique

If you’re a carpenter and you like to build your own furniture, you know that your hobby is mainly two activities: Designing your project. Building your project. There is a similarity between carpentry and songwriting in that both activities involve designing and “building”. The main difference, though, is that songwriters are often designing as they […]

Performing singer-songwriter

Your Reasons For Being a Songwriter

Have you thought recently about why you write songs? Do you find that your reasons for being a songwriter today differ from whatever drove you to being a writer in the first place, however many years ago? Maybe you found songwriting to be a creative outlet, where the writing of melodies, chords and lyrics helped you […]