Guitarist - Songwriter

5 Ways a Bridge Can Make Your Song a Success

Not all songs use a bridge — that short section that typically follows the second run-through of the chorus. In the earlier days of rock & roll, it was normal for that section (if it existed at all) to be 8 bars in length, hence the alternate term “middle 8.” These days, a bridge need […]

Frank Sinatra - My Way

How Ballads Today Compare to a Sinatra-Style Ballad

You may not know the song “Comme d’habitude“, written by French songwriters Claude François and Jacques Revaux, but you’ll no doubt know “My Way,” a big hit for Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and others. Paul Anka acquired the rights to the melody (for $1), and then penned a new English lyric that brought the song to […]

Guitar and paper - Songwriting

How Your Song’s Melody Can Add Meaning To Your Lyrics

I recently wrote an article for SongBay that discussed ways in which the chords you choose can work hand-in-hand with your lyrics, and actually enhance their meaning. Getting words and chords working together makes for a more meaningful experience for your audience. Along the same lines, there are things you can be doing as you […]

How To Control the Emotional Power of Your Songs

Even if a song is supposed to be “emotional”, it works best if the emotional levels move up and down. ____________ Are you practicing your songwriting, or just reinforcing the same mistakes? “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” shows you every aspect of what makes a great song great. ____________ One way you know that your songs are working […]

Turning Thoughts, Feelings and Opinions into Lyrics

Turning a thought or opinion into a lyric is easier if you start by writing a short story. ____________ “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages will take your songwriting further than you’ve ever taken it before. They include the eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro”. Read more.. ____________ In 1967, John Lennon […]

Speak So Softly that Everyone Can Hear You

Quietness in music can be a powerful tool. Use it wisely. ____________ Struggling to build an audience base? “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” shows you every aspect of what makes a great song great. Read more.. ____________ I love quiet songs. I like when a songwriter can get their point across using transparent instrumentation and a quiet voice. […]