How a Verse Properly Connects to a Chorus

Verses and choruses are usually completely different, but there are ways to make a successful connection between them. ____________ Struggling to build an audience base? “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” shows you every aspect of what makes a great song great. Read more.. ____________ It’s common for a verse and chorus to be different in most respects. While […]

How Symmetry Works in a Typical Song

Gary Ewer’s “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages” cover every aspect of how to write great music. They include“From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro” Read more.. __________ As humans, we’re pattern-seekers. We like seeing things repeat, and we love when we see symmetry: mirror images. Bookends on a shelf are a good example […]

When Song Melodies Fail: 5 Errors to Avoid

Struggling to build an audience base? “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” shows you every aspect of what makes a great song great. Read more.. ______________ A melody needs to partner well with the chords that support it, and the lyrics that get attached to it. For that reason, it’s difficult to be precise about what a […]

A Songwriting Game to Improve Your Lyric Writing

Gary Ewer’s “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle” covers every aspect of how to write great music. With a free copy of “Creative Chord Progressions” _______________ If you find lyrics hard to write, it may simply be a matter of working on it separately from your main songwriting sessions. There are some that love writing […]

Becoming a Better Songwriter

Gary Ewer’s “Hooks and Riffs: How They Grab Attention, Make Songs Memorable, and Build Your Fan Base“, is part of the 10-eBook Deluxe Bundle. Get today’s special deal. _______________ I’ve taught a lot of musicians, both young and old, and have hung around a lot of music teachers. And telling musicians that they must “practice” is […]

Musical Simplicity and Success Often Go Hand In Hand

It’s a common error to think that imaginative music comes from musical complexity. The thought is that if you write music that uses intricate chord progressions, elaborately entangled melodies, all partnered with bewildering lyrics, you’ve got something that should stimulate the imagination of the listener. But usually, that kind of music just ends up confusing the listener, boring them, and […]