5 Tips for Writing a Rock Anthem

Here’s what you do to a song to make it feel like an anthem.  “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundles will strengthen your songwriting technique, and take you to a new level of musical excellence. The 10-eBook Deluxe Bundle comes with”From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro“. Read more.. An anthem is a song that: […]

7 Top Tips for Songwriters

Here are the 7 bits of advice I find myself giving to songwriters over and over again. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle to improve their technique. Includes two volumes of chord progressions, the very popular “Chord Progression Formulas”, and now comes with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to […]

Song Lyrics: From Category to Topic to Specifics

Ideas for a lyric can happen easily and quickly if you start by generating a page-full of words and then narrowing it all down. _____________ Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle is being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of […]

How Imagery Empowers Song Lyrics

Properly applied, imagery will make your lyrics more powerful and more memorable. Here’s how. _______________ Get the songwriting ebook package that thousands of songwriters are now using to take their music to its highest level of excellence. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle comes with a special deal. Read more.. ________________ Imagery means to use words and […]

How Working Backwards Through a Song Strengthens Its Structure

Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages are being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of excellence. The 10-eBook Deluxe Package is currently ON SALE. Read more… ______________ When you plan a traveling vacation for yourself, it’s normal to think first […]

How a Good Lyric Makes You Want to Listen

It’s not just emotion that makes a lyric connect. It’s alternating emotions that really do the trick. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle to improve their technique. It comes with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro“. Read more.. ________________   When a lyric is good, it […]