Can The Shape of a Song Melody Affect the Mood of a Song?

Try these steps for isolating your song melody to see what kind of mood it’s really conveying. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages come with this eBOOK: “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro”. We all seem to acknowledge and understand the concept of “happy” music and “sad” music, even if we disagree […]

Writing Lyrics That Grab at the Heart Of Your Audience

There are important differences between lyrics and poetry, differences all lyricists need to know. _______________ Get the songwriting ebook package that thousands of songwriters are now using. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle comes with an 11th free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. Read more.. ________________ If you’ve been writing songs for a while, you hopefully know one thing […]

Good Song Design: Move From Less Predictable to More Predictable

Predictability can be an important part of what keeps listeners hooked to your music. _____________ Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-Ebook Deluxe Bundle. 11 Songwriting Principles That Will Turn Your Writing Around – Guaranteed. And get TODAY’S DEAL. _____________ All good songs are a mixture of predictable and unpredictable events. We don’t like thinking that our music is in any way predictable, but […]

When and Why to Write a Song Bridge

A bridge is a very useful section to include in your song, with at least five good reasons for its existence. _____________ Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle is being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of excellence. Now with […]

The Main Difference Between Good Lyrics and Good Poetry

Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle is being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of excellence. Now with a 7th FREE eBook. Read more… ______________ Sometimes a poem will make a good song lyric, but don’t be surprised to find that […]

Song Analysis: Chicago's "More Will Be Revealed"

For up-&-coming songwriters, it’s a great idea to check out what veteran songwriters are doing these days. Their years of experience and musical know-how make practically every song they write a songwriter’s workshop. Master songwriter Robert Lamm, one of the founding members of Chicago, has co-written (with Phil Galdston) a really great song, “More Will Be […]