Is there a Difference Between a Good Melody and a Beautiful One?

Making a melody “beautiful” requires you to go beyond simply making it “good.” ____________________ Read more about how “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle can make you a top-level songwriter. ____________________ What is it about a melody that’s beautiful, as opposed to (or shall I say “in addition to”) good? The question implies that it’s […]

Song Energy is a Subtle Quality

Controlling song energy before you ever get to the studio gives great results. ______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 6-eBook Bundle“, and develop your songwriting skills. ______________ In almost every post I write, I make reference to “energy.” In many respects, most of the compositional principles you apply to your songwriting come down to […]

Writing Instrumental Music – Do the Same Principles Apply?

Without lyrics, other basic elements of song structure become more important in instrumental music. ____________________ There was a time in the not-too-distant past when instrumental music was a bit more commonplace in pop music than it is today. “Walk, Don’t Run” by the Ventures, “Wonderland By Night” by Bert Kaempfert, and “Wipe Out” by the Surfaris, […]

Swapping the IV-Chord For a ii-Chord

Switching one chord for another – done most easily when both chords belong to the same class. ____________________ Check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle. Learn to write songs daily, even when inspiration seems lacking. ____________________ The Eagles’ first hit single, “Take It Easy“, nicely demonstrates how replacing one chord with another can subtly […]

Five Ways to Make Listeners Return to Your Music

Here are five easy ways to increase the likelihood that you’ll build a fan-base for your music. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base, starting right now! _____________ Is there a difference between good music and successful music? I think there is, and most songwriters would agree that it […]

Using Octave Displacement to Avoid Verse-Chorus Sameness

Moving a chorus melody an octave higher can help differentiate it from a similar-sounding verse melody. There’s a sneaky little problem that can creep into a song as you write it, something that often escapes detection. The only thing you’re likely to notice is that the song seems tiresome and over-long, but you can’t figure […]