In Melody Writing, Is It Possible To Use Too Many Notes?

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 E-book Bundle, and become a top-level songwriter! __________________ It’s probably not something you think about a lot: how many notes did you use to write the melody of your latest song? What we’re probably most concerned with in songwriting is keeping melodies within a singable range. Is there […]

Why Using Someone Else’s Chords Isn’t Plagiarism

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and make yourself a top-level songwriter! _______________ As a songwriter, you should know that chord progressions don’t need to be amazing in order to work well. Most of the world’s biggest hits are built on progressions that, by themselves, are rather mundane. Almost by definition, a […]

5 Ways of Starting Your Next Song

There are several tried and true ways of starting the songwriting process. And if you’re smart, you’ll experiment with all of them. How you start a song has a lot to do with how it finally sounds in the end. If you find that all of your songs have a similar sound, it could be […]

Making a Verse “Sound Like” a Verse

There are many reasons why a verse sounds like a verse and not a chorus. Decades (centuries, actually) of musical tradition shows us that verse melodies tend to be a bit lower in pitch than choruses. We also know that the tonic note and chord show up more often in a chorus than they do […]

The 7 Reasons Your Songs Might Be Boring

Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle – Now with a 7th (free) eBook: “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro” _____________ Boring songs are hard to fix. That’s because when listeners are bored, they often can’t put their finger on why. There may be nothing obviously wrong, and yet the song […]

Hooks and Motifs: Keeping Listeners Listening

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and kick-start your songwriting career! _____________ What keeps a person listening to a song over and over again? Though you might describe it as undefinable charm, we do know there are some features of musical composition that make it more likely that people will keep coming back to […]