Frustrated songwriter

When Writers Block Isn’t Really Writer’s Block

Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” Deluxe eBook Bundle. Ten eBooks that describe every aspect of how to get your songs sounding better. Read more. Follow Gary on Twitter Are you stuck, creatively? Everything you try to write just turns into garbage within 2 minutes? It may seem strange to say this, but you might not be […]

The Earworm Factor: Writing Accidental Music

Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy” was the number-one single on the Billboard charts for 2014, and by any measurement you choose it was the most commercially successful song of that year, with 13.9 units sold. If there was ever a song that could be called an “accidental hit”, “Happy” fit the bill perfectly. It innocently inserted itself […]

Sharon Van Etten

The Psychology of Songwriting: Stories and Feelings

A 1-hour TV drama spends at least the two-thirds of that hour developing a story that pulls the audience in and poses questions that they want to learn the answers to. As the show nears its end, you’ll be presented with the strongest, most spine-tingling event: the main object of the script. All questions are answered. For example, a […]

Are You Boring Your Audience? 5 Likely Reasons That’s Happening

You may have just as many people who hate your music as love it, but that shouldn’t bother you too much. Hoping that everyone loves what you do is unrealistic. Any time you express your thoughts, opinions and feelings in musical form, people will react; sometimes in favour of your art, and sometimes against. The […]

Townes Van Zandt

What to Do When Melody Notes Don’t Fit With a Chord

A bit of songwriter’s theory for today, and it’s an important lesson especially if you’ve created a melody and are at the stage where you’re adding chords. If you listen to Leonard Bernstein’s “America”, from “West Side Story“, you’ll notice that practically all the notes from the melody clearly outline the chord that accompanies it: Melodies […]


Does Your Melody Work Without the Chords and Lyric?

Not all songs are about the melody. Since every good song is a partnership of melody, lyrics and chords (and then miscellaneous other bits that get woven in and around those elements), you can wind up with a song that makes a stronger impact through its hook, lyric or rhythmic groove, and leave melody as a less […]