John Mayer's "Paper Doll" – Why the Melody Works So Well

Repetition and contrast provide melodic strength to “Paper Doll”. _______________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 eBook Bundle, and get “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro” free. _______________________ John Mayer’s “Paper Doll”, from his recent “Paradise Valley” album (released in August, 2013), is a beautiful tune that shows songwriters how melodic motifs […]

What’s More Important to a Successful Song – Hook or Motif?

Most songwriters don’t know what a motif is, or how to use it. _______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting”, and become a top-tier songwriter starting today! _______________ You often hear about the hook as a crucial songwriting element. A hook is a short musical idea, typically a melodic fragment partnered with a catchy rhythmic […]

A Well-Placed Motif Can Be As Important as a Hook

A repetitious element, like a motif, adds important structural cohesiveness to songs of any genre. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and learn the 11 principles crucial to any songwriter’s success. _____________ In songwriting, there are two elements that owe their existence and noteworthiness to repetition. One is a hook, that repeating element that […]

Composing Verse and Chorus Melodies That Work Well Together

There’s a knack to creating a chorus that sounds like the logical answer to a verse. Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” e-book bundle. Your songs could be that close to being hits. _________________ Songs usually have several melodies that need to partner well together. And not just partner well — a good verse melody […]

Repetition Can Work if You Change Something Each Time

Without repetition, a song would be too difficult for the average listener to remember once it’s done. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and find out which songs become hits, and why they sound so good. _____________ It can really surprise you how little raw material there is in most songs. The vast majority […]

Why Today’s Songwriters Talk About The Hook So Much

If no one element of your song is grabbing attention, a hook will be pretty much crucial. __________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and build your audience base! __________________ Songwriting is something that’s been going on for centuries in one form or another. I’m rather keen on comparing the way that composers from […]